LucianAurora Let’s Dance
had a phenomenal show this weekend at the final TICA show of the season in Yaroslavl, Russia. We’re proud to announce that he’s Supreme Grand Champion now! He was blessed with making all 8 finals, including 7 Best Cats (!!!) and 1 second Best Cat and was the Highest Scoring Cat of the show!
His daughter LucianAurora Vesper made all 8 finals as well, including one Best Kitten, one Second Best Kitten and two Third Best Kittens.
I can’t thank judges and club enough for making this such a special weekend for me!

We’ve attended the very first Monobreed Siberian Virtual Cat Show with more than 260 siberian competitors separated into two classes – traditional and neva masquerade. Our cattery was represented by LucianAurora Let’s Dance, LucianAurora Party All The Time and Top*Matryoshka You Rock My World. Let’s Dance won Adult Neva Masquerade category, You Rock My World won Kitten Neva Masquerade category and fun-show of tortie colors, Party All The Time won Junior Neva Masquerade category and General Best of Best of Neva Masquerades.

We had a fabulous time with
LucianAurora Let’s Dance at the WCF International Cat show this Sunday in Tver, Russia. Shows in Tver are always one of the most competitive for Siberians, this time more than 20 representatives of the breed attended it, so it was truly an honor and thrilling achievement that Let’s Dance won the Monobreed Siberian Cat Show (Let’s Dance received the Best Adult & the Best of Breed awards), became 2nd in WCF ring and 1st in fun-show, was nominated on Best in Show and got Best of Best 1 award.

LucianAurora Vesper, 4-month-old daughter of LucianAurora Let’s Dance, also attended the TICA show and was very well received. She made four out of six finals, coming one of the highest scoring longhair kittens of the show. What a great beginning of show career for such a young girl!

We thoroughly enjoyed the TICA show in Moscow, Russia, over the last weekend. LucianAurora Let’s Dance made five out of six finals, including  2nd Best Cat and two 3rd Best Cats, coming the highest scoring longhair cat and 5th highest scoring allbreed cat in a field of outstanding competition.

We had an absolutely fabulous time this weekend on a WCF International Cat Show in the beginning of March in Moscow, Russia. LucianAurora Let’s Dance was placed 2nd and 5th in WCF rings and 1st and 2nd in fun-shows in brutal competition with more than 50 cats in all rings and fun-shows.

We showed LucianAurora Let’s Dance on a WCF International Cat Show in the end of February in Moscow, Russia, and he did just great! He got into finals in both WCF rings (1st & 2nd places) and all fun-shows (1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd places), as well as was chosen as the Best of Best 1 cat of the show of the first day and Best in Show of the second day.

LucianAurora Let’s Dance attended his very first TICA show on 6th of February in Moscow. He made four finals, including one Best Cat, two 2nd Best Cat and one 3rd Best Cat. As a result, he’s closed three titles and is Double Grand Champion now. Also, he’s the Highest Scoring Siberian Cat and 3rd Highest Scoring Longhair Cat of the show.

Two of our cats were finalists of Cat Fest Royal Canin 2020, and on the final judgement on 20th of December LucianAurora Let’s Dance won in his nomination “The Best Adult Male”. Besides, he was chosen by a distinguished Russian actress and producer Ravshana Kurkova as her favorite cat of the show among all finalists and winners!

LucianAurora Under Your Spell Again, three months old female, daughter of Let’s Dance LucianAurora and Volshebnitsa Viveya Iz Lunnoy Serenady, had her debut on the ICU show in Moscow on 12-13th of December. She behaved perfectly, and, although she was one of the youngest kittens of the show, she made all six finals (was placed second one time, fourth one time, sixth one time, eight three times). As a result, she finished as 5th Best Kitten of the show.

We absolutely loved the ICU show we attended on 12-13th of December. The last show of the feline association that we attended was in the end of 2017 so we had quite a big break from ICU shows. Let’s Dance LucianAurora succeed on the show of new feline association as well – he was placed 1st in three rings, 3rd in two rings and 4th in one ring, making all six finals. As a result, he was rated as the Highest Scoring Cat in Championship and was awarded with TOP 1 Adult award. What a good boy!

We had a fabulous time in Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia, on 31st of October-1st of November. Let’s Dance LucianAurora was rated as The Highest Scoring Cat of the show again – he got Best in Show and Best of Best 1 awards both days, was placed 2nd on WCF rings on both Saturday and Sunday, was placed 1st and 2nd on fun shows, and, finally, was awarded as the Best Cat Overall of Saturday (Best General) and the Best Cat Overall of both days (Best Supreme)!

Our next destination was Moscow, International Cat Show on 17-18th of October. Let’s Dance LucianAurora was in TOP 3 of WCF rings both days – he was placed 3rd on Saturday and 2nd on Sunday, won Best in Show award on Saturday and finished as Best of Best 2 the same day, won Monobreed Siberian Show – was chosen as the Best Adult Male, then as the Best Adult in competition with a female and, finally, as the Best Cat Overall in competition with winners of all other classes.

We had a great weekend on 26-27th of September in Izhevsk, Russia, on WCF International Cat Show. Let’s Dance LucianAurora was rated as the Highest Scoring Cat of the show – he won Best in Show award on both Saturday and Sunday, Best of Best 1 award on both Saturday and Sunday, was placed 1st in WCF rings on both Saturday and Sunday and was placed 2nd, 3rd and 4th in fun shows. We enjoyed the weekend a lot and we’re pretty sure that Lyova enjoyed it, too!

Due to COVID, we had a 6-months break from shows. Our first autumn show was WCF International Cat Show in Nizhniy Novgorod. Let’s Dance LucianAurora got Best in Show award both days, Best of Best 1 on Saturday and Best of Best 2 on Sunday, was placed 1st and 2nd in WCF rings and 1st and 2nd in fun shows and, finally, got Best General award. His daughter Truly Madly Deeply LucianAurora was placed 4th and 5th in WCF rings and 5th and 6th in fun shows.

Let’s Dance LucianAurora was featured in magazine “Cats.Info” which is the most famous magazine about cats in Russia. There’s an interview with me about him in section “Stars”.
Take a look at the interview here, English translation is coming : )

CFA rating 2019-2020 is closed.

LucianAurora Let’s Dance is:
The Best Siberian Cat in the World (R1-9)
4th Best Cat in Championship in Europe (R9)

LucianAurora Party All The Time is:
2nd Best Siberian Kitten in the World (R1-9)
16th Best Kitten in Europe (R9)
The Best Kitten in Russia

We take part in all big shows in Russia and Catsburg 2020 is no exception! Let’s Dance LucianAurora was shown in CFA, made all 6 finals out of 6 possible in competition with 90+ cats in Championship and ended up as 4th Highest Scoring Cat in Championship!
His daughters Party All The Time LucianAurora and White Wizard Enigma of LucianAurora made him a company. Pasha was shown in CFA and she is CFA Champion now; Emma was shown in FIFE and got excellent descriptions from judges.

Top Cat rating 2019 is closed. Let’s Dance LucianAurora is:

4th Best Cat in Russia All Breed
6th Best Cat in the World All Breed
The Best Siberian in Russia & in the World
The Best Siberian Adult in Russia & in the World

A pleasant surprise is that we’re also winners in nomination
“The Best Breeder 2019”!

We had a fabulous time in Castellanza, Italy. The count was huge – 102 cats in championship! Let’s Dance LucianAurora was 2nd highest scoring cat in championship with BEST, 3rd & 4th, 3rd & 5th, 11th, 7th & 11th, 11th places.

We have a new addition to our cattery – White Wizard Enigma LucianAurora, we call her Emma at home. She is daughter of Let’s Dance LucianAurora and accompanied her dad in Finland and made her first final – 8th Best LH Kitten.

We had a wonderful time in Helsinki, Finland this weekend! Let’s Dance LucianAurora had a great performance – he is 2nd highest scoring cat in championship on that show. Lyova made all 6 finals – BEST, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, 3rd, 6th.

Let’s Dance LucianAurora visited CFA show in Brussels, Belgium. He became 2nd highest scoring cat in championship, making nearly all finals with following placements: once BEST, twice 2nd, once 8th in AB rings, four times BEST and once 7th in SP rings.

Party All The Time LucianAurora visited her last CFA show as a kitten (she turned 8 months on second day of the show and now she is an adult) in Brussels, Belgium. She made nearly all finals, was placed BEST, 7th, 8th and 10th in AB rings and 4th and 6th in SP rings.

 Our graduate from the United Kingdom Play to Win LucianAurora turned eight months and visited his first TICA show as an adult. He made one final in super tough competition, was placed fourth in ring of Phillipa Holmes and became a TICA Champion!

Let’s Dance LucianAurora is winner of one of the hugest shows in the world – Winter Show (Moscow, Russia)! 1500 cats, 5 different systems, very tough competition. Lyova was the highest scoring cat in championship in CFA (made all 6 finals – 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5), presented the system on the main stage and beat winners from other systems (WCF, TICA, ASC, ICU). Moreover, he was shown in WCF, too. He became Best of Best 2 and got 4th place in WCF ring out of 60+ cats.

Party All The Time LucianAurora visited huge multisystem show in Moscow, Russia. She was showed in CFA, finaled in all 6 finals and became 2nd highest scoring kitten! Pasha was placed once 3rd, three times 4th, once 6th and once 10th.

Party All The Time LucianAurora visited WCF show in Moscow, Russia. She got Best General and Best Supreme, Best of Best Junior, 1st place in siberian monobreed show, 4th and 6th places in WCF rings and 1st and 6th places in special shows.

Let’s Dance LucianAurora visited WCF show in Moscow, Russia. He got Best in Show and Best of Best 4, 3rd place in WCF ring, 3rd place in siberian monobreed show, 3rd, 3rd and 7th places in special shows. Moreover, we got a personal beautiful rosette. 

Party All The Time LucianAurora visited CFA show in Madrid, Spain. She made half of possible finals (five out of ten) and was placed second and fifth in SP rings & sixth, eighth, tenth in AB rings.

Let’s Dance LucianAurora visited CFA show in Madrid, Spain. He made all finals, became 3rd highest scoring cat – was placed twice 1st in SP rings, twice 3rd, once 4th, 6th and 9th, three times 7th in AB rings.

Let’s Dance LucianAurora visited WCF show in Samara, Russia. He took Best in Show both days, Best of Best 1 both days, 1st places in WCF rings both days, 3 first places in special shows. 

Let’s Dance LucianAurora visited WCF show in Krasnodar, Russia. He got Best General, Best of Best 1, Best Op.Sex, 1st places in WCF rings both days and 1×3, 5×1 places in special shows.

Our graduate Darii LucianAurora visited GCCF show in the United Kingdom and took all in his stride! He got two Reserve Imperial Grand and twice became Best of Breed. Great results of mature male!

Our graduate Queensberry Rules LucianAurora visited WCF show in China. She became 2nd Best of Best Junior both days, 3rd and 4th places in WCF rings of kittens and juniors. 

Let’s Dance LucianAurora visited WCF show in Saransk, Russia. He got Best General and Best Supreme, BIS both days, Best of Best 1 and Best of Best 2, 1st and 2nd places in WCF rings, 1st place in Volga Region Cup and 1, 1 and 2 places in special shows.

Let’s Dance LucianAurora visited CFA show in Moscow, Russia. He became 4th highest scoring cat in championship. He got 3 second and 1 fifth places in SP rings, 1 second, 2 third, 1 fourth and 1 fifth places in AB rings. 

Party All The Time LucianAurora visited CFA show in Moscow, Russia with her dad Let’s Dance LucianAurora. She was made 4 out of 6 finals – 4th best all breed kitten, 8th best all breed kitten, 8th all breed best kitten and 9th all breed best kitten. 

Let’s Dance LucianAurora visited 2 shows in 2 different cities in 1 weekend! On Saturday in Aleksandrov he became 1st in Super ring (among winners), 2nd in WCF ring among adults and 3rd in special show. On Sunday in Nizhniy Novgorod he became Best of Best 1, 1st in WCF ring among adults, 1st, 1st and 2nd in special shows.

Party All The LucianAurora visited 2 different cities in 1 weekend! On Saturday she became Best Op.Sex Junior, 8th place in WCF ring among kittens. On Sunday she became Best General (lost Best Supreme with 1 voice), Best of Best Junior, 1st place in WCF ring among kittens, 1st, 2nd and 6th places in special shows. 

Play To Win LucianAurora visited TICA show in Blackpool, United Kingdom.
He got 5 finals: twice 10th Best AB Kitten in ring of Carlos Lopez, 9th Best AB Kitten in ring of Sue Hart-Jones, 5th Best AB Kitten and BEST AB KITTEN (!!!) in ring of Jane Allen. Great results for such a young boy for the first show!

Let’s Dance LucianAurora visited WCF show in Forli, Italy. He got 2nd and 8th places in WCF rings among adults from the whole Europe (in competition were 60-70 cats), was nominated both days. Moreover, he got Best in Variety both days, too! 

Party All The LucianAurora and her brother Quicksilver LucianAurora visited WCF show in Forli, Italy. Party got BIS, 2nd Best of Best kitten both days and 1st place in WCF ring. Her brother got NOM both days, BIS on 2nd day and lost BOB to his sister. 

Party All The Time LucianAurora visited CFA show in Narbonne, France, on 21-22 of September, 2019. She got 1/2 of all finals with a huge kitten count, was placed as 4th, 4th, 5th best LH kitten and 6th, 7th, 8th best AB kitten. Super CFA debut for Pasha!

Let’s Dance LucianAurora visited CFA show in Narbonne, France, on 21-22 of September, 2019. He became 5th highest scoring cat in championship. In AB rings of D.Myers and A.Raymond he got Best Cat, in other finals – 2, 3, 4, 9 places in SP rings and 3, 5, 5 places in AB rings.

Let’s Dance LucianAurora visited WCF show in Brussels, Belgium, on 14-15 of September, 2019. He got Best General, BIS and Best of Best 1, was highly placed in jubilee and WCF rings – 4 times he became second in tough competition and earned one more title – now he is Jubilee Master!

Let’s Dance LucianAurora visited CFA show in Brussels, Belgium, on 14-15 of September, 2019. As a result, he became 3rd highest scoring cat in championship. He got 2 first places in SP rings, 2 second places in SP rings, 1 sixth place in SP ring, 1 second, 1 third, one fifth places in AB rings.

Party All The Time LucianAurora went to Ufa with her dad. It was a debut for our new star. Pasha was nominated both days, became 2nd and 3rd in WCF ring for kittens and got 3rd place in a special show for females of all ages. A great beginning!

Let’s Dance LucianAurora visited WCF show in Ufa, Russia, on 24-25 of August, 2019. He got Best General and Best Supreme overall, BIS both days, Best of Best 1 both days, 1 and 2 places in WCF rings, two 1 places in special shows.

Let’s Dance LucianAurora visited WCF show in Samara, Russia, on 17-18 of August, 2019. He became Best General and Best Supreme overall, BIS both days, BEST OF BEST 1 both days, twice 1 places in WCF rings, one 1st and three 2nd places in special shows.

Let’s Dance LucianAurora took part in WCF show in Helsinki, Finland, on 27-28 of June, 2019. He became Best General on first day and Best Supreme overall, BIS both days, Best Op.Sex of first day and Best of Best 1 of second day, 1st and 2nd in WCF rings, 3 first places and 1 third in special shows. 

Let’s Dance LucianAurora visited WCF show in Moscow, Russia, on 06-07 of July, 2019. He got Best in Show and Best of Best 1 on second day, became 3rd in WCF ring, 3rd in Super ring (among winners), best siberian adult on monobreed show & got 1 and 6 places in special shows. 

Barclay de Tolly LucianAurora made a company for his younger brother Lyova and visited Volgograd, too! He got Best in Show and Best of Best Neuter of first day, Best in Show and Best of Best Op.Sex Neuter of second day, 1st and 3rd places in WCF rings and 2nd place in special show. 

Let’s Dance LucianAurora took part in WCF show in Volgograd, Russia, on 25-26 of May, 2019. He became Best General on first day and Best Supreme overall, Best in Show both days, Best of Best 1 of first day and Best of Best 2 of second day, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th places in special shows. We are very happy with results of our SUPER boy!

Our graduate My Precious LucianAurora visited FIFE show in the Netherlands on 21-22 of April, 2019. She got Best in Variety both days in strong competition with 5 other neva masquerade cats, was nominated on Best in Show and lost just with a few voices.
Congrats to Kayli and Sarah!

Our graduate Nicolas Flamel LucianAurora visited CFA show in Longview, USA, on 13-14 of April, 2019. He got 6 finals – 4th place, 7th place and 8th place in AB rings, twice 3rd places and once 5th place in SP rings of great judges. Competition was tough but Nicolas did great.
Congrats to Nicolas and Kaylee! 

Let’s Dance LucianAurora took part in WCF show in Kazan, Russia, on 06-07 of April, 2019. He got Best in Show and Best of Best 1 both days, 1 and 2 places in WCF rings and 2 first places in special shows. Also, judge Svetlana Vlasenko made a special gift for Lyova – a very beautiful statuette.

Let’s Dance LucianAurora visited CFA show in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 30-31 of March, 2019. He finished as 5 Best LH cat & 9 Best AB cat in ring of P.Vanwonterghem, 5 Best LH cat & 10 Best AB cat in ring of M.Schleissner, 5 Best LH cat in ring of  Y.Vanwonterghem and 10 Best LH cat in ring of  O.Grebneva.

Our graduate My Precious LucianAurora visited FIFE show in Belgium on 30-31 of March, 2019. It was her first show, and she got NOM both days and became Best in Show on Sunday.
A great beginning!
Congrats to Kayli & Sarah!

Top Cat Final RU, WCF International Cat Show in Ekaterinburg, Russia, 23-24.03.2019

Let’s Dance LucianAurora
BIS, BEST OF BEST 6 of first day
BIS, BEST OF BEST 5 of second day
SLH-LH show — 5 PLACE
MALES show — 6 PLACE

I’m so proud to present CFA’s newest GC Let’s Dance LucianAurora. He’s 9 months old and he was granded with 2 shows. He earned his last needed grand points on a show in Belgium, 8-9.02.2019.
I suppose he’s the youngest siberian grand in region 9 (Europe).

WCF International Cat Show in Saint Petersburg, Russia, 16-17.01.2019

Let’s Dance LucianAurora
WCF ring YOUNG — 1 PLACE of 1st day
WCF ring YOUNG — 3 PLACE of 2nd day
SPECIALS shows — 1, 1, 1, 3, 3 PLACES
EX1 x2, CACJ x2, NOM BIS x2

CATSBURG 2019 in Moscow, Russia, 02-03.03.2019

Let’s Dance LucianAurora
FIFE: CAC x2, BIV x2, NOM x2, BEST IN SHOW of 1st day! Lost BIS of 2nd day by a lot.
WCF: WCF ring ADULTS — 3rd PLACE (out of 74 cats), BEST OF BEST OP.SEX SLH (lost BOB of the category with 1 vote).
CFA: Y. Vanwontergem — 7th BEST LH CAT; P. Vanwontergem — 5th BEST LH CAT, 8th BEST AB CAT (out of 53 LH, 91 AB).

Finally, Top Cat and Best Cat WCF ratings are closed. Here’re our results. 

Let’s Dance LucianAurora

Top Cat Rating 2018:
The Best Siberian OVERALL in Russia
2nd Best Siberian OVERALL in the World
The Best Neva OVERALL in Russia & in the World
The Best Siberian Junior in Russia & in the World
The Best Siberian Kitten in Russia & in the World

Best Cat rating 2018:
13th Best Young Cat in the World
3rd Best Young Cat in Russia

WCF International Cat Show in Yoshkar-Ola, Russia, 08-09.03.2019

Let’s Dance LucianAurora
BIS, BEST OF BEST 1 of first day
WCF ring ADULT — 1 PLACE of first day
BIS, BEST OF BEST 1 of second day
WCF ring ADULT — 1 PLACE of second day
SLH-LH show — 1 PLACE
MALES show — 1 PLACE
EX1 x2, CAC x2, NOM BIS x2

WCF International Cat Show in Toljatti, Russia, 16-17.03.2019

Let’s Dance LucianAurora
BIS, BEST OF BEST 2 of first day
WCF ring ADULT — 2 PLACE of first day
BIS, BEST OF BEST 1 of second day
WCF ring ADULT — 2 PLACE of second day
SPECIAL shows — 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2 PLACE
EX1 x2, CACIB x2, NOM BIS x2

Our graduate successfully took part in a show last weekend.

GCCF show on 09 of February, 2019

GC (GCCF) Darii LucianAurora:

CFA Cat Show in Stockholm, Sweden, 12-13.01.2019

Let’s Dance LucianAurora
Yanina Lukashova-Vanwonterghem — 2nd BEST AB CAT, BEST AB CHAMPION & BEST LH CHAMPION
Michael Hans Schleissner — 9th BEST AB CAT, 2nd BEST AB CHAMPION & 2nd BEST LH CHAMPION
Nadezhda Tervo — 9th BEST AB CAT, 3rd BEST LH CHAMPION
Peter Vanwonterghem — 10th BEST AB CAT, 2nd BEST AB CHAMPION, 2nd BEST LH CHAMPION
John Hansson — 9th BEST LH CAT
Kamil Kolczyński — 10th BEST LH CAT

WCF International Cat Show in Kazan, Russia, 04-05.01.2019

Let’s Dance LucianAurora
BEST GENERAL of 2nd day
WCF ring YOUNG — 2 PLACE (проводился только один день)
SPECIAL shows — 2, 2 PLACES
EX1 x2, CACJ x2, NOM BIS x2